Hi! This is UZU in Yuxi city in Yunnan Province, China.

I came here 3 hours by plane from Beijing to Kunming,
and 2 hours by bus from Kunming yesterday.
I never knew what kind of place was Yuxi and it turned out
So beautiful place!!

There is a big lake with very white sand in front of the hotel.
The view is so wonderful and we can also swim in the lake.

Wow! I haven’t expected that this first International Environmental Documentary film
festival in China would take place in this kind of beautiful site.
May be in this beautiful place, we can feel more precious value of our environment.

I will show you the photos of this Yuxi after I go back to Tokyo.
And also I will translate this article in Japanese….maybe…

Please excuse me that I wrote in English, ‘couse I am writing this with PC in the hotel.

Anyway I will report about this festival in the near future.

Best wishes from Yuxi!