EARTH VISION Screening@Shinjuku <10.26 Thu-29 Sun>

Hi! This is UZU.

The information below is the screening schedule of
the 2nd selection of this year’s EARTH VISION.

We are looking forward to see you
at the Shinjukugyoen Information Center!!

EARTH VISION The 15th Tokyo Global Environmental Film Festival
 Screening of the 2nd selection
 <2006.10.26 Thu.-29 Sun.>

[Date & Time]
Oct.26 Thu. – Oct. 29 Sun 10:00-12:00 / 13:00-16:00

2F Shinjuku Gyoen Information Center, Tokyo
(11 Naitocho, Shinjuku-ku, Shinjuku, Tokyo Tel.: 03-3350-4143)

10 minutes-walk from South Exit of JR Shinjuku station,
5 minutes-walk from Marunouchi Line Shinnjuku-gyoen-mae station
* Shinjuku Gyoen Information Center is next to Shinjuku-mon.

 -Admission Free-

*Sorry! There is no English subtitles nor English Interpretation in Japanese Films.
**The schedule may be changed without notice.

October 26 Thu.

10:00 River Taming Mantras
(India/Director: Sanjay Barnela & Vasant Saberwa/2004/31min/ Hindi with English subtitles)
The Indian government was building a huge dam to save the villages from flooding but the sacrifice made by the villagers was even greater.

10:40 Lake Kasumigaura Revival Project: Uniting Lakes, Forests, and People
(Japan/Director: Iwasaki Masanori/2006/65min/Japanese)
The project was launched to clean up the much-polluted Lake Kasumigaura using water plants. The project has gained wide support.

13:00 Murmur of an Old House: An Architect’s Pleasant Surprise
(Japan/Director: Miyakawa Naoko/2005/24min/Japanese)
Mura, who started to dismantle old houses for rebuilding, was fascinated by the traditional techniques and wisdom of living in harmony with nature.

Jump Start Your Eco-friendly Life
(Japan/Director: Hirai Kunihiko/2006/1min/Japanese)
Let’s adopt a lifestyle that is friendly to the environment.

ITKey to Eco-friendliness: Making Cell Phone from Plant
(Japan/Director: Tanaka Noriyuki/2006/1min/Japanese)
Japan has a tradition of utilizing plants in daily use. A cell phone made with plant has been introduced.

Turn Down the Volume
(Japan/Director: Kikuchi Hiroshi/2006/1min/Japanese)
A tiny step a day can help mitigate global warmingeven lowering the TV volume reduces energy use.

13:30 The Destruction Begins
(Japan/Director: Fujikawa Masahiro/2006/52min/Japanese)
A simulation of the consequences of global warming using latest data of an international research institute.

14:30 No More Dead Season
(Philippines/Director: Boyette Rimban/2006/33min/Pilipino with English subtitles)
The people of Negros Island in the Philippines were at the mercy of world economy when they were growing sugarcane. Today, the farmers are independent and work in harmony with nature growing organic bananas with the help of international support such as fair trade.

Uncle Stone’s Lotus Field
(Taiwan/Director: Chu Shiaw-Chyuan/2005/24min/ Mandarin with English subtitles)
Uncle Stone ,living in the outskirt of Taipei, would not give up using pesticide for his lotus plants. Zoologists are out on a rescue mission to save the pond’s rare frog species from extinction.

Orange Alert
(Thailand/Director: Teena Amrit Gill /2005/28min/English)
Pesticides harmful to human health had been used in orchards in northern Thailand. . The farmers took a stand to oppose the government’s policy of encouraging pesticide use by growing pesticide-free produce.

October 27, Fri.

10:00 The Focal Point of ConvictionThe Minamata Incident according to a Former Judge
(Japan/Director: Honda Hiroshige/2006/47min/Japanese)
The Kumamoto District Court was the first to acknowledge in 1987 the government’s responsibility for the Minamata disease. Sagara, the former judge, recounted his honest feelings.

11:00 Poison Fruit
(New Zealand/Director: Douglas Owens/1988/52min/English)
Until the 1990s, France and the UK were conducting nuclear tests at the Mururoa Atoll. The film documents the suffering of islanders, who were not told of the danger of nuclear tests, and the actions taken by NGOs.

13:00 Blowin’ in the Wind
(Australia/Director: Peter Scott & David Bradbury/2005/62min/English)
Saying that nuclear energy is safe and eco-friendly, the Australian government is giving further permission to extract uranium. However, depleted uranium shells made with recycled uranium are causing serious damage to Iraqi children. Similar harmful effect is also being felt near the American bases in Australia.

14:10 A Place for the Storks
(Japan/Director: Ono Yasuhiro & Kuboshima Emi/2006/49min/Japanese)
Toyooka City in Hyogo Prefecture undertook the world’s first attempt to artificially breed endangered storks and release them into human habitation. This changed people’s perception of nature surrounding their community.

15:10 Wild Animals on the Highway: Road kill
(Korea/Director: Park Sangjo/2005/48min/English)
This film closes up on the frequent highway accidents involving wildlife. How can we save wildlife from the sprawling human development?

October 28, Sat.

10:00 Cherub of the Mist
(India/Director: Naresh Bedi & Rajesh Bedi/2006/53min/English)
An endangered lesser panda was released from the zoo into the Himalaya forests. Scientists’ cameras capture the vivid images of the beautiful creature.

11:00 The Big Blue
(Australia/Director: Jennifer Clevers /2006/50min/English)
The documentary captures the life of the world’s largest living being for the first time. It is a beautiful and majestic epic poem of the sea.

13:00 Planet of InsectsThe World through the Lens of UNNO KAZUO
(Japan/Director: Sunohara Haruhisa/2006/46min/Japanese)
The earth is said to be inhabited by over a million species of insects. Insect photographer Unno enthused about his globetrotting search for insects.

14:00 Warning from the Red-eared SliderForeign Species Destroying Japan’s Ecology
(Japan/Director: Matsumoto Mikio/2006/47min/Japanese)
Red-eared sliders are popular pets but they grow so big in just a few years that they can no longer be kept at home. Their abandonment is posing a threat to the local ecosystems.

15:00 The Essential Mudflat
(Korea/Director: Yang Jeon-wook /2006/49min/ Korean+English subtitles)
Mudflat is an important resting ground for migratory birds. However, mudflats are reclaimed one after another. Even the nesting ground of oystercatchers is being reclaimed to make an industrial park. The film depicts the lives of fishermen and living things in connection with mudflats.

October 29, Sun.

10:00 Innocence
(Thailand/Director: Areeya Chumsai、Nisa Kongsri/2005/100min/Thai+English subtitles)
Children from a mountain tribe in northern Thailand came to a boarding school. The film documents the lives of the children and teachers, describing the children’s encounter with the new culture and how they harvest and cook their own meals.

13:00 Black Stone
(Syria/Director: Khaled Khalifa、 Nidal Al-Dibs/2006/63min/Arabic+English subtitles)
Damascus is Syria’s No. 1 city, but in the shadow of its affluent neighborhoods, there are young boys picking up garbage and living their lives one day at a time.

14:10 Puujee
(Japan/Director: Yamada Kazuya/2006/110min/Mongolian with Japanese subtitles)
Explorer Yoshiharu Sekino met Puujee, a young girl who tames wild horses on the Mongolian plains. The film captures the life of the nomadic girl and her family in the backdrop of a magnificent but harsh nature.